
Welcome to my blog! Since 2001 I've written631 postsabout software/personal development, technology, minimalism, FIRE, movies, startups and my life. These span three separate blogs, with all articles linked from here.

This blog Focuses on exploring the intersection of minimalism, mindfulness and technology + my journal.

Minafi Financial indepenence, investing and my journy to retire early (36 ✔️).

Hardcover Building Hardcover in public.

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About this Tag

FIRE stands for "Financial Independence, Retire Early". It's a focus investing, optimizing spending around values and creating a life you want to retire to.

20196 articles

How much should you challenge yourself – and does the answer to that question change after retirement? Here's a look at how I'm changing my answer to this question since I stopped working.

Help maintain an identity after retirement by defining yourself by more than just your job. An identity bridge helps maintain a sense of self and accomplishment after retirement.

The idea of "luck" when it comes to financials is a complicated topic. I do believe it has a role, but it's important to differentiate luck from action.

201814 articles

December 14, 2018 was my last day working at my job of 8 years. Here's a look at why I left and what I'm planning do do with my time.

I'm always interested to hear how other people are minimizing their tax liability after retirement. Here is my personal strategy that we'll be using to reduce our taxes to nearly zero when we stop working. This approach sounds unrealistic, but you might be able to hit $0 in taxes too!

People use the terms "fire", "lean fire" and "fat fire" all the time - but what do they mean? In this data-driven post, we look into the numbers behind these pursuits and what you could do to hit your numbers.

What is your path to early retirement? Having a set goal is one thing, but designing a life with an irresistible staircase there is another thing. If you can find your own motivation, you'll get there sooner than you think.

20175 articles

A method to help you estimate how much money you need to retire early and be financially independence while achieving everything on your bucket list.

Analysis of 10k people pursuing financial independence shows most millennials could retire by 40. Here's what they'll need to do to make it happen.