
Welcome to my blog! Since 2001 I've written629 postsabout software/personal development, technology, minimalism, FIRE, movies, startups and my life. These span three separate blogs, with all articles linked from here.

This blog Focuses on exploring the intersection of minimalism, mindfulness and technology + my journal.

Minafi Financial indepenence, investing and my journy to retire early (36 ✔️).

Hardcover Building Hardcover in public.

Check out somehighlightsand stay in touch by following me on Mastodon, subscribing to my newsletter or RSS feed.

A method to help you estimate how much money you need to retire early and be financially independence while achieving everything on your bucket list.

The salary difference between men and women has been studied in many different times in many different fields. In each study, the raw findings are the same - women make less than men. Does this trend hold true for the personal finance community and it's readers?

People use the terms "fire", "lean fire" and "fat fire" all the time - but what do they mean? In this data-driven post, we look into the numbers behind these pursuits and what you could do to hit your numbers.

What are the 118 topics that everyone learning about FIRE should know about? These are the subjects that stand out as the most important from my experience.

A look at what's worked, what hasn't and what I'd do differently from my first year retired.

I'm always interested to hear how other people are minimizing their tax liability after retirement. Here is my personal strategy that we'll be using to reduce our taxes to nearly zero when we stop working. This approach sounds unrealistic, but you might be able to hit $0 in taxes too!

For the first time in our lives, we traveled with a guide and a schedule to Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia. The cost of this trip? Around $15,000 for 2 weeks. It was an absolutely amazing trip filled with friends, memories and as much delicious food as we could stomach.

I grew up in a house. After a few years in college in apartments, I quickly moved into a house after graduation. I thought that was what I wanted. After recently switching back to an apartment, I'm realizing I haven't been organizing my life around what I value most.

By tracking monthly expenses and computing savings rate over time, it can become crystal clear if your finances are moving in the right direction.

Twitter was one of the first tech giants to embrace the developer community. That goodwill is now gone.