
September 12, 2001

Note: This post was written when I was 19 years old while was living in a dorm at the University of Central Florida. I had only started blogging a month before.

Quite an interesting week¹ ~_~ Biggest event in the last 50 years happened just yesterday. 4 planes hijacked in one day would’ve shaken the country more than anything in the last 10 years I’d expect, but knocking down 2 of the largest, and most significant building in the US, and hitting the military center o.0 It’s not how I expected my day off to be -_-;

I woke up at 11 am when my mom called and woke me up saying what had happened. I was thinking “how in the world does a 110-story building fall down from a plane crash?!”. Even now I’m surprised about that more than the terrorist activity in general.

What was annoying was I had an assignment to do yesterday too ~_~ It was really annoying focusing enough to do 2 quizzes and a 2-page paper — at home¹. It was really the only time the news went off yesterday.

To relax, both yesterday and today, I’ve worked on a redesign of DDRei. It’s coming along, but I’m going to have to learn a few new things before I finish it. To me, that’s usually a good thing.

Now.. when doing physics HW and I have to do problems I don’t know.. that sucks -_-; Luckily I aced my physics quiz on Monday so I’m off to a good start.

¹ – The online system had a deadline of midnight on September 11, 2001. My professor was likely grieving on their own and didn’t think to email students or change the deadline. They did end up extending the deadline, but only the next day after it had passed.

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I'm , a full-stack product developer in Salt Lake City, UT. I love enlivening experiences, visualizing data, and making playful websites.

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