
March 27, 2006 – Only a Month?

Originally posted on LiveJournal.

After a short time together with Marilyn, she decided to do something special for me for one month since we got together. I was blindfolded and driven away to who knows where. 🙂 A short time and a few unanswered questions later we were at Downtown Disney sitting in front of Cirque du Soleil! It was a first for both of us, and we had some of the best seats in the house. 🙂 I absolutely loved it! It topped my expectations, that’s for sure. All the characters are so strong with their own personalities; and their colorful natures certainly help too. I was laughing and sitting in awe for most the show. Every portion of the show was great, so it would be hard to narrow it down. I absolutely loved the attention to detail, the little extra characters going by or doing things in the background during the main performances. Great stuff. If you haven’t seen it I’d recommend it wholeheartedly.

Saturday was another first for me. Marilyn, Carla headed down to Citywalk for the midnight showing of Rocky Horror Picture Show. I’ve seen the movie quite a few times, but seeing it performed in person to a full theater is completely different. Full of obscenities, sex, nudity and more. It was great! :p Probably go back sometime and drag some more people with me.

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I'm , a full-stack product developer in Salt Lake City, UT. I love enlivening experiences, visualizing data, and making playful websites.

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