
January 11, 2007 – Out of Touch

Originally posted on LiveJournal.

I seem to be falling out of touch on LJ more and more. I still read my friends page everyday, and occasionally comment, but when it comes to new content I’m just lazy unless there’s colossal change. Well, lately there has been a lot of change, and some even on that scale. But this is a LJ dammit, i should tell you what’s going on in my life. :p For new years Marilyn and I headed over to her moms place for a nice gathering there and some great food (seems to be a reoccurring theme). Played some DDR, drank something very tasty called coquito (sp?) and shoved grapes in our mouth. Good times. 🙂 Unfortunately, we didn’t take a trip for new years like we’d originally planned. Seems our bodies decided to get sick that weekend instead, and rather than torture them with a 12 hour drive through unfamiliar territory we decided to sleep. As much as a possible. We were over our bugs by new years, and with me taking tuesday-thursday off (and marilyn with tuesday/wednesday) we had time to relax, and even head to Cypruss Gardens for one day. It was a very relaxing day out too. We didn’t have to wait for any rides, and for the most part since there was no one waiting they’d just rerun the rides twice. The scenery and the animals were the best part though, and it was a nice day out. To make up for all that laziness, we decided to get food poisoning the following weekend. I came down with something on saturday night that had me in the bathroom basically every 15 minutes for one reason or another for a good 6 hours. Longest night of my life. Marilyn ended up with probably the same thing on Monday night as well. We both somehow went to work the day after, though neither of us had much success in being got accepted into 9 Rules, a sort of portal for blogs on various subjects. I’m over in the design and programming categories and can now waste time on the 9 rules forum. Some smart people over there in that walled garden. I’m quitting my job. Yeah that’s right I decided to do it. Last friday I gave my two weeks notice at FCE after two and half years working there. I’ve learned so much in my time there, but it’s just time to move on. There are plenty of reasons, and i’d feel a lot safer writing about them here than publically, but for the moment I’ll leave it at “I want to work on new and exciting stuff”, although a lot of the reasons stem from project management decisions which have put us in the place we are today. As for what I’ll do next I’m not really sure. I’m completely content to take a few months off from any 9-5 job and work on a few projects of my own, try out some new things and, who knows, maybe even change my primary programming language. I’m still young and I don’t want to be boxed into working with a single language for my life because that’s all I have experience with. Might be a good time to stretch my legs and try something else? C#, Java, Ruby on Rails — lots of possibilities. I know I want to be a web programmer though, so it’s at least I’ve narrowed the languages down to a few dozen. To be honest though, I think Coldfusion has the potential to be the greatest (or amongst the greatest) language in almost every metric you can imagine for web programming – from performance to ease of learning to anything else, it just lacks the community to make it possible. But community is part of choosing a language, and it might be enough to draw me over to Rails or some other camp. No need to decide anytime soon — although I did just spot a job on Monster that actually has me excited to the point where i’d consider working rather than not working when given the chance (in other words it has be excited. 🙂 Have to read up on the company and get a little more info. Also, , you were on TV today. There was a 15 minute bit on PBS today about Megacon 2006 and you walked behind a woman while she was being interviewed. Think there might’ve been a few other recognizable names when they panned over the video games section, but I haven’t gone back to re-watch it.

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I'm , a full-stack product developer in Salt Lake City, UT. I love enlivening experiences, visualizing data, and making playful websites.

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