
ColdFusion top 100 PageRank and Alexa Rating!

We really like our statistics! Yakhnov Studio decided to take the statistics one step further and make a full list of the top 100 sites based on Alexa rating and PageRank . This comes from the creator of OpenID , the first OpenID implementation in ColdFusion, so our interets are definitely intersect β€” he just manages to do something about it. Great work man! Interesting to see that the top 100 all have a 7+ PageRank, with 5 9’s and 29 8’s. The Alexa ratings are more impressive, with the entire list in the top 40k. These numbers should only get better as more CF sites are β€œouted”.

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I'm , a full-stack product developer in Salt Lake City, UT. I love enlivening experiences, visualizing data, and making playful websites.

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