
August 21, 2007 – I’m Alive, Really

It’s been quite a busy summer. Tonight was our second Adogo (Adobe Developers of Greater Orlando) meeting, which the lot of us at Westgate started last month. The first meeting went well enough, better than expected even. I gave a terrible presentation on Coldspring Remoting and Flex that was probably my first public presentation of that sort. It was fun though, and gave me a little more experience talking in front of a crowd of unknown people. If you’re a developer in the Orlando area, come out to the next talk! It’ll be on SVN and various source control practices, and I’ll be giving a talk on search engine safe URLs. If you use Adobe stuff it might be worth showing up. Been trying to program more in my spare time as well, but it’s been slow going. On the bright side, the developer community here in Orlando has been growing quite a bit with the Ruby Users Group, Bar Camp Orlando and Blog Orlando in the next few months. There’s also a Ruby conference in the works and No Fluff Just Stuff this weekend (although it’s way too expensive this year). Good time to be a developer in Orlando! Marilyn and I have been going through things here, doing a bit of late spring cleaning. I’m still in the process f getting rid of old furniture and random other stuff of my moms, but Craigslist is helping out with that so far. That green couch that I’ve always had will probably be one of the next things to go. Hopefully by the end of the year I’ll be clear and organized enough to feel like there’s hardly anything more over my head. Marilyn and I are planning on going camping for Labor Day weekend! Should be her first time ever camping, and a quiet getaway. Still not quite sure where we’ll be going, but should be within the state. I remember my parents talking about their horrendous summer camping trip to Flamingo (down in the middle of the everglades) where they were chased by mosquitoes; so we’ll surely be going a little farther north than that. If anyone has any suggestions let me know!

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Hey hey! 👋

I'm , a full-stack product developer in Salt Lake City, UT. I love enlivening experiences, visualizing data, and making playful websites.

Let's keep in touch 🧑‍🤝‍🧑

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